The County Assembly of Makueni is one of the forty seven (47) County Assemblies in Kenya established under Article 176 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya. As contemplated by Article 177 (1), the Assembly consists of members elected by registered voters of the Wards on the same day as a general election of Members of Parliament, each Ward constituting a single member constituency.
The Assembly further consists of a number of special seat members necessary to ensure that no more than two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly is of the same gender and the number of members of marginalized groups, including persons with disabilities and the youth all nominated by political parties in proportion to the seats received in that election in that County by each political party. The Speaker is an ex officio member. Members of County Assembly are ordinarily sworn in by the County Assembly Clerk within fourteen days, after the announcement of the final results of a general election, in the manner set out in the Schedule to the County Governments Act No. 17 of 2012. Makueni County has a total of 30 civic elective Wards each represented by a Member of County Assembly (MCA) at the Assembly.
“To be a model Assembly fulfilling its mandate to the people of Makueni County”
“To engage all stakeholders in the resolve to make Makueni ‘the County of promise”
Core Values
Our core values are guided by the values and principles of public service and governance set out under Article 10 and 232 of the Constitution. Specifically, County Assembly of Makueni subscribes to the following core values:
Professionalism and Teamwork
we conduct our business with the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics while embracing the spirit of teamwork
we regard our employees and stakeholders with esteem Diversity – we recognize the diverse backgrounds of the employees of the Service and promote national integration
Fairness and Equity
we promote equity in dealing with the Honorable Members and members staff in the County Assembly service
we ensure public resources within our reach are efficiently, effectively and economically utilized
we foster understanding, cohesiveness and co-operation between the County Executive and the County Assembly in the context of principle of separation of powers and complementarity
Transparency and Accountability
we uphold high moral standards, transparency and trustworthiness in our interactions with employees and the general public taking responsibility of the resources and functions entrusted to us by the public