Office of the Speaker is established pursuant to Article 178 (1) of the Constitution and Section 21 (1) of the Elections Act No. 24 of 2011. The Speaker, who is an ex officio member of the County Assembly, is elected by the County Assembly from among persons who are not members of the Assembly. Immediately following the election of the Speaker and pursuant to the Assembly Standing Order number 14, the Clerk of the County Assembly administers the Oath or Affirmation of Office to the Speaker in the presence of the assembled County Assembly. The Speaker presides over the Sittings of the Assembly and in his or her absence, the Deputy Speaker or a Member of the Chairpersons Panel pursuant to Standing Order number 18(6)(a) of the Assembly. The Speaker being the head of the Assembly and the chairperson of the County Assembly Service Board, is charged with the responsibility of ensuring the smooth running of the legislative arm of the County Government Additionally, the Speaker of the Assembly performs other duties and responsibilities as follows:- Presiding over all debates of the Assembly and enforcing the observance of the Constitution, the Standing Orders, relevant statute and Assembly traditions, procedures and practices Administering the oath of affirmation or allegiance to Assembly (other than the First Sittings of the Assembly immediately after a general election) and issue writs for vacant Ward/Civic seats Protecting the rights of the minority while making sure that the majority have their way Organizing the business of the House as s/he is a member of the House Business Committee He is the official spokesperson of the Assembly and ensures that the dignity of the Assembly is upheld and its rights and privileges are not abused He is the final authority on all matters touching on the interpretation and application of the practice and procedure of the Assembly at all times.